Hebrew Numerology
Numerology has several techniques. Hebrew is one of them. Hebrew numerology, also known as gematria, is a system that uses numbers to represent Hebrew letters and calculate…
Numerology has several techniques. Hebrew is one of them. Hebrew numerology, also known as gematria, is a system that uses numbers to represent Hebrew letters and calculate…
Dhritarastra, the blind king asks his chariot Sanjay "what all wariors are doing in war place". Sanjay, who got devine vision from Lord Vedvyash, is explaining the…
We know to calculate, we should know some basic operations like add, substract, multiplication and division etc. For quick multiplication and division we need to remember some…
Everything in this world are connected with each other. If you are mathematician then you will see everything as calculative manner. If you are a doctor then…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue…
What is data structure?Data Structures are different ways of organizing data on a computer, that can be used effectively. What is an algorithm?Set of insructions to perform…
JDK 8 added a new method to String called join(). It concatenate two or more strings separated by a delimiter. In the below example first parameter to…
To print name 100 times we can follow any procedure listed below. If you need to print n times then replace the value 100 with your required…